There has been a great deal of excitment over the last few weeks amongst the Feldenkrais community with the publication of Norman Doidge’s new book, “The Brain’s Way of Healing”. Doidge is a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst whose previous book “The Brain that Changes Itself” has sold over a million copies worldwide. Doidge is interested in the phenomenon of neuroplasticity – the recent discovery that the brain can change its own structure and function in response to experience. How does this affect us? Well, it means that it is possible to re-awaken lost physical and mental function through movement and reverse conditions thought to be irreversible. The Feldenkrais Method takes up two large chapters of Norman Doidge’s book where he first describes the development of Moshe Feldenkrais’ ideas and experiments and then details specific cases where Moshe and his students worked with severely damaged clients to bring about astonishing improvements in physical and mental development. The book is written is a easy, accessible format that will not please some scientific communities but it means that the notion of neuroplasticity can be readily understood by anyone reading this work. For the Feldenkrais community, we are happy to receive such detailed recognition by an acclaimed author.